The Turning Pointe MOPS

The Turning Pointe MOPS Group offers care and nurturing to all mothers of preschoolers (infants through Kindergarten by working through the local Church (The Turning Pointe) to meet moms right where they're at. 
A typical meeting will include a brief opening, Encouraging Welcome With a Prayer, A Group Discussion, Refreshments/Appetizers, Creative Time (a project that we can all complete) or possibly a special guest speaker. Our goal is to make each mom feel like a welcome part of our community.

The Turning Pointe Church 
Meetings are the 1st Thursday of every month 2014-2015 school year

9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Sept. 4, 2014
Oct. 2, 2014
Nov. 6, 2014
Dec. 4, 2014
Jan. 8, 2015
Feb. 5, 2015
Mar. 5, 2015
April 2, 2015
May 7, 2015


Cost for Membership: $40.00
FREE Childcare at MOPS Meetings

Why Membership??
The early season of mothering is an important time when women need reassurance that what they are doing matters and that they aren’t alone. That is the power of a MOPS membership. Membership is about moms being a part of something bigger than themselves part of an organization that believes that a mom who knows Jesus changes her world! It’s a way of connecting women with other moms who can encourage and inspire her, transforming her into a better mom, and showing her that she is not alone. MOPS International is here to walk alongside your moms with you for additional encouragement and support. 
What's In The Welcome Package??
When you register, you will receive a Welcome Package from MOPS International with just a few fun perks via snail mail!
  • The first copy of a one-year subscription to MomSense magazine (a mom mag that will make you feel better about yourself)
  • A super cute reusable shopping bag (seriously, can you have enough cute bags?)
  • A DVD for your kiddos from BOZ, our favorite green bear.
  • A few coupons from our favorite sponsors.
  • Additionally, you will be encouraged and inspired each week via email from some of our favorite mom friends.
Come join us for Fun and Fellowship with other local MOMS just like you!