"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14.

What is MOPPETS?

The Turning Pointe's MOPPETS program provides loving care for your children. While mothers attend the MOPS meeting, the children enjoy a program designed to meet their needs. The children are divided into age groups and are involved in planned activities that provide social growth and spiritual enrichment, resembling a Vacation Bible School. Games, stories, crafts, and play enhance their physical and creative development all while being lovingly cared for while you enjoy yourself and relax in our group MOPS meeting. Also, in adherence with the Safe-Child Policy, all MOPPET volunteers have background checks.

Benefits for Children
  • Social growth through group activities and play.
  • Spiritual growth through Bible stories and values relevant to their lives.
  • Physical, emotional, and creative development through crafts, games, snacks and songs.

How Do I Enroll My Child In MOPPETS?

When you register for MOPS, you will also be asked to fill out a MOPPETS child registration form. One form will need to be filled out for each child you bring to MOPS. You will also be asked to sign the The Turning Pointe MOPS Group Liability Waiver the first time you drop your child off in the MOPPETS program. There are a set number of MOPPETS slots for each age category and slots are filled on a first come, first serve basis. To register your child, click here and please fill out a form for every child attending MOPPETS and mail to The Turning Pointe. OR you can bring them to the Pre-Registration Playdates:


It is important you read and understand ALL child care policies for the MOPPETS program. They are as follows:
  • A registration MUST be filled out for each child before they can be dropped off in his/her MOPPETS class.
  • Childcare is FREE!!!!
  • Please do NOT send your children with snacks as they will have a snack provided for them.
  • Children will be released only to thier mothers unless prior arrangments have been made.
  • Children must be picked up immediatly after the session ends at 11:00am.
  • Children who show signs of illness such as a fever over 100 degrees, runny nose of yellow or green color, vomiting in the last 24 hours, diarrhea, pink eye, etc. are NOT allowed to attend MOPPETS. The MOPPETS Coordinator will notify the mother to pick up her child immediatly if the child becomes sick while in class.
  • No medications of any kind, including Tylenol, will be administered by any worker. If a child must have medication, the mother must administer it.
  • All bottles, sippy cups, blankets, pacifiers and coats should be clearly labeled with the child's name.
  • Bottles brought by mom will be given according to her instructions. Only babies under 6 months of age or nursing are allowed in the MOPS sessions.
  • Bring a suffient number of diapers in a marked diaper bag; at least one diaper per hour. If a child is in training pants, please bring a complete change of clothing and a gallon size ziploc bag.
  • Mothers should be in the building at all times. The only exception is if we have a planned off-site event.
  • Moms, please refrain from checking on your child during MOPS. It upsets the children to see moms coming and going. Rest assured you will be notified   immediatly if your child needs you. If you would like your child checked on, please notify the MOPPETS Supervisor.
--Children are NOT allowed in the MOPS session with mom. We love your children and want this to be a place where mothers and children can come for love, support, affirmation and understanding. However, the MOPS meeting is a sacred time set aside for just moms to be together, without the distraction of children. Their is an exception for babies under 6 months of age and nursing babies.