Friday, November 02, 2012

Kick Off Meeting!

It's all about FRIENDSHIPS!!!! So very important to every mom-to have FRIENDS! This was our topic for our kick off meeting! How appropriate...right? We got to meet so many new moms today-it was awesome! I see some lifelong friendships being made in this group!

We ended the meeting with a super fun craft! After all, how often as a mom, do we get to actually sit down and work on something for us...uninterrupted...start to finish? Rare! Right? :) Rachel & Michelle (crafts team) did a fantastic job picking out this beautiful bracelet for us to make! It was a lot of fun & we had a pretty finished product!
Thank you to ALL that came to our kick off meeting yesterday! We are already looking forward to December's meeting! We have a lot of fun stuff planned!

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