Friday, February 08, 2013

All About Love

When you think of the month of think about- LOVE. Right? Well, our steering team thought it would be appropriate to discuss The 5 Love Languages this month. A few of us just finished this book along with our husbands in our church small group - it was a huge success.  (to be honest-a couple of the husbands were skeptics and didn't want to read the book in our small group-but once they gave in and did....they were so thankful for doing so!) EVERYONE can benefit from reading this book from dating couples, newly weds, couples having problems or couples that have a great marriage. Every person can learn something from this book!

If you weren't able to attend yesterday's meeting-please consider going to the website HERE and taking a very short quiz. Have your spouse take the same quiz. Once you get your results-you will then know your love language. Click HERE to read a brief description of your love language. Obviously, the book goes into much greater detail on each of the love languages.

Falling in love is easy. Maintaining healthy relationships is a daily, lifelong pursuit. But it doesn’t have to be that hard. Once you know your “love language,” you’ll understand why some attempts at romance work while others fall flat. Dr. Gary Chapman’s perennialNew York Times bestseller, The 5 Love Languages® is full of “Aha!” moments that make expressing love easier and more desirable. You’ll find yourself more motivated and more confident that you can succeed in having the relationships you've always wanted.More than 8 million copies sold!
We highly recommend you and your spouse reading the book. I admit, I am not one who enjoys "reading"...gasp...I know...but I actually read this book in 2 evenings after my kids had gone to bed. My husband read it fast too- it's a really easy read. Amazon has the book for less than $10.00 HERE or I bet you could rent it at the library. :) They also describe love languages for your kids! That's right, they have their own love language too! I have not read the book yet for the kids-but based on what I learned from reading the book for adults-I already know what my kids love languages are...and they are both different. It's really neat how this book has opened my eyes in not only a new way for my marriage but for my parenting as well!

Words Of Affirmation, Acts Of Service, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts

Which love language are you?

Happy Valentine's Day!!

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