Friday, April 05, 2013


During our February meeting, we did a survey for all of you MOMS. Based on the results, we scheduled the remainder of our meetings on the things you would like to get out of MOPS. Nutrition was the most popular request. At yesterday's meeting, we had the pleasure of having Bonnie Schnautz as a guest speaker. She is a certified health practitioner here in Evansville. She discussed healthy meals & kids snacks on the go. There were a lot of eye openers for us moms at this meeting. Especially seeing Bonnie's "unhappy meal"....which was a 4 year old hamburger from one of those restaurants we've probably all been to.... The frightening thing was-her hamburger in her sealed container was 4 years old. It looked maybe a week old! YIKES!
What ARE we putting into our bodies & what type of effect is it having on not only our health, but our children's health?  Please check out Bonnie's Facebook page HERE where she provides useful nutritional information/tips.

Bonnie provides private consultations for those looking for natural options for their health as well as various group coaching programs. Please feel free to contact her.

We would like to congratulate 2 of our MOPS moms! They will be welcoming baby girls into their families soon! We can't wait to meet them!! :) 

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