Thursday, November 07, 2013

Baby Friendly Presentation

At our meeting today, Nicole Brungs, RN, BSN, IBCLC, came to speak with us today about nursing your newborn and the benefits of doing so. She works for a local hospital in their lactation department. She was very informative and had information that even some of the seasoned verterans at nursing their children didn't even know.

In addition to our guest speaker we kicked off several donation events at our meeting!

-We asked those that had extra Halloween candy to please bring it to the meeting so we could donate it to our local CHEMO BUDDIES organization. The patient's undergoing chemotherapy, enjoy various candies to eat due to the metallic taste the chemo leaves in their mouth! We collected a LOT of candy and were able to give them a very generous donation! If you get a chance, please click on their link to find out how YOU can help!

-We also asked our MOPS members if they had any non-perishable foods, toiletries, coats and other items to please bring them so we could donate to our local food pantry and other organizations in need for this fall/winter. Again-we have VERY generous members and had a LOT to take to these organizations!!

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