Thursday, December 19, 2013

MOPS Mom's Night Out/Shopping Trip

What a busy month December is!!! Between shopping, planning family gatherings, trying to stay healthy & avoid the inevitable cold & snow.......We also had a busy December for our MOPS group!

We did a super fun craft at the meeting--creating custom glitter ornaments for our trees! They turned out so pretty! We also discussed our family traditions at Christmas and learned of other family traditions we may want to try!! A LOT of fun ideas and traditions were talked about!!!

We collected cash donations this month so we could do our 2nd annual "adopt a family" for Christmas!  Our group met for a MOPS Mom's much needed evening out to socialize at Hacienda. Our original date got snowed out so our last minute make up date and we were very pleased with our turnout considering! Here we are with full bellies and ready to hit the stores to shop for the precious family in need this Christmas!

We are ready to SHOP!!!! With all of the sales, coupons & cash back-we were able to provide an AMAZING Christmas for this family. God Bless all of those who were able to donate, pray and just be a part of this special event.

We dropped our wrapped gifts off at Holly's House. It was also fun to be able to get our children involved and getting them to understand the concept of charity! 
 I think the kiddos enjoyed the giant stuffed animals. :)

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